Sunday Stories 17th December 2017 / kikikaylzz

Wow, hey. Haven't made a post in ages.
How y'all doing?
Here's what's been going on and why I haven't posted in ages.

I turned 21 this year in October.
I just had dinner with my family and close friends at Beach House in Garden City. My older brother came up, that was great because he lives in Melbourne and I hadn't seen him in 2 years.

Hope my friends and family don't mind being on here whoooops!

in regards to turning 21, I got one of the best presents imaginable, a car! I finally went for my P's (QLD) in early August. Mum and grandad got me a car to show how proud they are of me.
It's seriously the best present ever because I never in a million years would have been able to afford one myself, let alone the rego and insurance (which mum also paid for, bless her)
Cheers to the awkward photos my mum made me take tho lmao

I dropped overnights at work, I've just made myself available for them again (2 months later). It made living out of home super hard, but it was what I needed. I'd done them for 14 months straight and just needed a break, I've filled a couple here and there and they've been fine, I haven't wanted to die because of them, bar lack of sleep haha.

I also got a new job, so now I have 2. I'm doing some admin work casually for TAFE QLD. It's been super fun so far and drastically different to what I'm used too. It's not stressful in the slightest and a whole new ball game of things to learn. My boss says I'm picking up on things really easily and don't need to be told twice, which given I've only had 3 shifts so far, is a super nice thing to hear. All my coworkers are significantly older than me, but they're all absolutely lovely and are happy to help out if I need it.


My youngest brother graduated primary school too!

I joined another gym, again. I've stuck to it a lot better this time. I go to Snap Fitness and really enjoy it. This is the first time I've ever taken classes at a gym and they're super fun and make time go by quickly. Spin is my favourite but I also really like Body Pump! I've been super slack recently due to coming off overnights, I get rostered mostly open shifts, and I mostly go to morning classes so that's put a bit of a spanner in the works, but I'm getting back into it and can't wait!

Follow my account while you're at it!

I move back home at the end of January, I'm pretty devastated but I can't afford to be out of home anymore (haven't really been able to for the last couple months) I live week to week and have absolutely no savings because work cut my hours right back when I dropped overnights. I've been out of home for 2 years by the time my lease is up, it's been a long and stressful road but ultimately the best thing I could have ever done for myself, I've had the time of my life and have absolutely loved having total freedom, but I can't stand not having any money and barely being able to afford life. I'll be saving minimum $500/m by moving back home, so I'm looking forward to that.

I think that's really about all that's happened that's eventful enough to write about.
Until next time,
