Sunday Stories April 2 / kikikaylzz

Wow, it's been a long time  since I've done a post like this.. a little over 2 months!

These past few months have been so busy and they've been going by so fast! I can't believe it's already April! I have so many posts I need to publish..

It's my youngest brothers 11th birthday in 2 days. He's so old now!
My other younger brother had his 15th birthday earlier in February, unfortunately there was a lot going on and we didn't get to celebrate for it. I haven't bought either of them presents yet, come to think of it. I should probably get around to that $$$.

My housemate and I have settled in well, we're still having problems with our realestate! So bloody sick of them. I've filed a report with the RTA. Really keen to shove it up their ass!
Someone has moved into the front part of the house (we live in a duplex). Don't particularly like them so far.. unfortunately there's not a lot I can do about that.

Priceline had their 40% off makeup sale - I spent up big! I think I spent a little over $150! Atleast I'm going to get some cashback for this quarter haha!
H&M have had massive sales the last few months and I've spent up big there as well! I don't often love h&m, nothing ever really speaks to me, as per say but I love everything I've bought. Along with a lot of other stores, so I'll have a haul coming up very soon!

My housemate and I spent a week down the Gold Coast - initially we were working the surf titles but we had a lot of issues with the other staff and our supervisor - they were literally such nasty people. My housemate asked them to stop being so nasty, given there was no reason and they dobbed on her, (clearly they're children) so we were both sent home and told not to come back. Very professional work happening at the surf titles - we've since been ignored as we're following up through their HR department because what happened is absolutely pathetic. Both of us took time off work, so we lost a lot of money, let alone the money spent on food and other such stuff to sustain us the week we were meant to be working.. however, they're still being unprofessional and unreasonable. Not much has been done about that just yet unfortunately.

We've also been spending a lot of time playing The Sims 2 on PS2. Having the time of our lives making them all woohoo together and love everyone haha.

That's all for this week!

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