New Years Resolution Check In - 3 Months / kikikaylzz

Wow! It's March already! We're 3 months into 2017! Crazy how fast this year is going!..

I thought now would be a good time to do a check in on my New Years Resolutions and let you know how they're going.

I had a fair few New Years Resolutions for 2017! A lot of them to do with food and weight loss, some money and other miscellaneous things.
Here are my NYR just for a refresher

1. Drop down to 70kg (currently weigh 85kg)
2. Eat healthier and don't snack as much
3. Drink more water (2L/day atleast)
4. Be able to run 5km's without being tired or worn out
5. Hit the gym atleast 3x per week
6. Complete the Ashy Bines Booty Challenge
7. Cut out soft drink and fast food
1. Save 5k
2. Get a full time job
3. Go on a European Contiki/atleast have it booked and paid for
1. Buy a car
2. Finally get my Ps
3. Learn to cook
4. Move out of my current place and into a new one

I haven't achieved many of these in the past 3 months unfortunately. I did, however, move out of the place I was in and into a new place with my best friend - we bicker a lot ahha but it's always fun - hasn't ruined our friendship yet.
In saying that, I'm paying a lot more in rent/week than I was at my old place and have to pay all utilities/internet and such, so I've had to cut back on some things. I quit gym, I couldn't afford an extra $60/month, and I wasn't going so much anyways - but that also means I've put on weight, not dropped it which sucks.

I tried Day 1 of the Ashy Bines BC but I literally died! I was sore for days and couldn't complete the rest so I gave up. I do drink a lot more water though, unfortunately I've also been binging on soft drink and fast food - my skin and body have noticed the outcome.

Unfortunately, I haven't been lucky enough to get a full time job yet :( - but I live so close to work now (5min walk) so I walk to and from work which has saved me a fortune in Uber rides - I've saved $2000 so far! So I don't think a Contiki will be happening anytime soon haha.

Nowhere nearer to getting my Ps or buying a car than I was at the start of the year, I've been more trying to save money and get my weekly/monthly bills sorted first, as I'm only part time and my job only has to give me 10 hours/week so having savings around has really helped during the tough times!

I've been selling a lot of my stuff on Carousell and similar sites though! So I've earned money from there as well, which has been nice and it's an easy way to do it!

Within the next 3 months, I hope to be on track to losing weight and eating better again! As well as on my way to getting my Ps!

That's all for my 3 months catch up, cya in another 3 months!

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