How To Make 2017 The Best Year Possible / kikikaylzz

It's only in the early stages of 2017, but I'm going to give you some tips and guidelines on how to make 2017 the best year possible!
2016 was a real bummer for a lot of people, a lot of countries even - but 2017 doesn't have to be the same!

1. Live life with positivity
I know how hard things can get sometimes, but always having a positive outlook on life will help in the long run.

2. Be yourself
This is such a vague thing to say, but in a world full of people trying to please other people, trying to get places by pretending they're someone they're not, it makes sense to be yourself.
If you walk into a room with 100 people, 10 of those people will love you and 10 of those people will  hate you - the rest will be indifferent.

3. Have a plan for this year
Know how you want 2017 to turn out and do everything in your power to achieve that. Want to save 10k by the end of 2017? Stop getting that smashed avo from the cafe and make it at home yourself, it costs a fraction of the price and tastes just as good.
Another good way to save is to transfer 20% of your wage (or whatever is left after bills) into another account that you don't touch! At the end of the year, you will have saved a decent amount of money.

4. Set goals
Setting goals is such an important part of having things run smoothly. If you don't set goals, you have nothing to look forward too and nothing to achieve. Goal setting is a sure fire way to make 2017 your bitch! There's nothing better than looking back on the year that was and realising just what you've achieved or what you've overcome.

5. Take every opportunity
Opportunities are always around us, everywhere - sometimes we just don't notice them or don't think they're worth taking. Even the small things can lead to the best places!

6. Get rid of the people who don't benefit you
Some people, myself included keep friends around for the sake of not wanting to be a lone - this is the stupidest idea possible but ever so common. Defriend people who don't benefit you - if someone makes you unhappy or angry all the time, defriend them. If someone isn't any help to you, defriend them.

7. Avoid petty drama
Drama is everywhere. Unfortunately, it's unavoidable - whether it be family drama or relationship drama or you just have shifty friends. Don't involve yourself in other people's drama or problems - you could end up losing someone/s that mean everything to you and yourself in the process.

8. Cut negativity out of your life
Whether it be a job, or a person - even a family member, you definitely don't need negativity in your life. Negativity, while it may not seem like the worst thing ever, in the long run, will make you feel terrible.

9. Take time to compliment yourself
Self love is such a strong thing! Often, were too busy trying to appease other people that we forget to love ourselves. Take time to compliment yourself every now and then and always tell yourself you've done the best you could do!

Bring on 2017! I hope for you, all the best.

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