2016, A Review / kikikaylzz

So, it's January 3rd as I'm writing this - hello 2017!
2016 has been and gone, a long winding road - a year that most definitely had its ups and downs, but overall, really wasn't that bad.

January - the beginning.
January started with moving out of home for the first time ever, I was definitely scared but it's been the best experience of my life so far, and I wouldn't trade being broke af for moving back home. Moving out provides such a worldly view of things - and getting to experience new and exciting things for myself really helped shape this year.

Unfortunately, my job cut back all my hours to literally the bare minimum they had to give me, which definitely proved living out of home a challenge when you only earn $60/week and don't have Centerlink.. haha. Thankfully my housemate was understanding and let me off with paying rent until I got Centerlink, which I don't think was until April.

Feburary Started with a bang - one of my little brothers turned 14 and he had a party.

It was also my housemates birthday, in which a group of us went ice skating, and thankfully, I didn't fall on my face haha.

I hiked Minyon Falls, although, due to everyone being very unfit and not realising the inclines and whatnot, we only got about half way through.

I hit up Eat St (food markets) with the crew and we all overindulged a little more than we should have. I started working on my fitness with walks and runs with a great friend. March wasn't an overly exciting month really.

My youngest brother had his 10th birthday, finally double digits! April resulted in me finally being able to receive Centerlink which meant I had money and could afford food!
I got back in contact with an old friend from high school and she's actually ended up being my best friend - I love her to bits.

I had a party and it was incredibly fun. Not gonna lie, I don't remember a lot of it haha but from what I do remember, and what I was told the next few days - it was good and everyone enjoyed themselves, always nice hah.
I hiked White Rock Conservation Estate a fair few times this month! It's roughly 6.5kms there and back with a steep set of stairs and some rock climbing at the end - the view is gorgeous and well worth dying over.

June was such a fun month, there was a lot of outings with my friends and family.
I went and hiked Lamington National Park (if you can't tell already, I like hiking haha) with a couple friends. That was a long day, given I woke up that morning severely sick with the flu (unbeknownst to me, I had glandular fever) We went the wrong way and ended up just walking through the forest, but down the waterfall, so it was pretty cool none the less. I tripped on the way down and hurt my ankle, but persevered and had a good time anyway. We got stuck on the way back home though, as cows were in the middle of the road which meant we couldn't go anywhere. Got sushi on the way home, that was always nice.

I also met my (now ex) boyfriend at a party that a friend had - I got incredibly drunk and he took care of me (literally only met him a few hours prior) and walked me to McDonald's as well as buying me food - pretty sweet really.

One of my best friends finally turned 18 (shoutout to you Nums) so we went out and had a Sunday sesh for her birthday. That was a fun night of drinks, laughs and Chinese food!

July was my other brothers birthday and he probably won't want me to say his age hah but because of him living in Melbourne, I didn't get to see him. July wasn't overly eventful.

I transferred stores due to not being able to afford living on no hours anymore. I started doing overnights at my new store (they're bloody killer)
I started dating my (now ex) boyfriend, but that was over as quickly as it began lmao.

My mums birthday, we had a home dinner and that was about it - birthdays aren't really a big thing in our family.
I went to Putt Putt with my best friend - we constantly have spur of the moment decisions! This was decided while sitting at the pokies (also a spur of the moment decision) after going out for a dinner (you guessed it, spur of the moment decision) hahaha. But it was super fun and we had a really good time. I got a couple hole in one's and won overall.

Another bout of Eat St, lots of fun and laughs as well as overgoring on food! Also a party couple parties this month.
I went to Fright Night at MovieWorld - personally I found this incredibly boring but we got discounted tickets anyways so it wasn't much of a loss
It was my birthday, I hit the big 20! I'm no longer a teenager which feels kinda weird, but at the same time, it's a big sign that I need to get my life together! I, of course had a birthday party but I actually had a really bad night unfortunately.

I did a day job in one of the bars at QSAC for the Monster Jam event, that was pretty fun and was a different dynamic and environment than I'm used too.

I went to New Zealand for a week during November courtesy of my housemate (late birthday present). It's always fun when your flight gets delayed when you already have to be at the airport 3 hours before your flight hah.
I had a really amazing time, saw some gorgeous scenery and had some nice food - there's a lot of American diners in Auckland! We tried Wendy's & Denny's - neither were very good but the experience (and portion sizes) were fun to try.

Visited Auckland Zoo while there as well, animals are so cute! Unfortunately a lot of the exhibits were closed during our visit.
We went to Taupo for the weekend - saw Huka Falls on the way down. Did the Bungy Swing - hella fun and totally recommend but it so absolutely beautiful. And on the way back, we went via the glowworm caves and went for a tour through there.

The shopping was a tonne of fun though, there was heaps of sales and I shopped up quite big. My favourite store would have been Mirrou (similar to Valleygirl here in Australia) but I also really liked The Warehouse.
The first beach trip of the new Summer! I went to Broadbeach and it wasn't very busy - then went to take a look at the new Pac Fair, as I haven't been since it was renovated.
I bought concert tickets for this new year. Green Day, Bruce Springsteen (present from mum for my birthday) and I should be working the Guns n Roses concert.

There was a BGA party at Hot Gossip which was actually so much fun, I'm not a person that really enjoys clubbing at all - I prefer a house party to anything but I had such a good time! My shoe broke, twice in different spots and I rolled my ankle, but nonetheless, I had a great time! Found out I had a hairline fracture that didn't heal prior to rolling my ankle, bloody thought I had broken it.

Obviously Christmas happened, I had a fun time with my family and a few of my friends came around and we hung out. It was an overcast and quite cold day (24 degrees) here in Queensland (dropping from like mid thirties).

New Years Eve was great! I got smashed and then called my best friend and she took me to McDonald's! There was a couple games of kings cup and some hiccups with the barbecue but all in all, it was a really good night with some really good friends.

2016 was all in all a really good year for me, I look forward to whatever 2017 has to throw at me.

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