Sunday Stories / kikikaylzz

I'm starting a new series on my blog called Sunday Stories - this will just be an overview of my life throughout the previous week. These kinds of posts will be a way for you guys to get to know me a bit better and feel more connected.

Let's get into it!

I put up my Christmas tree the other day - I'm pretty sure it was the 27th of November. Oops, jumped the gun a little. We also put the tree up at my mums so I got a little into the Christmas spirit and decided to put mine up too. It's only a small one - not too sure what my housemate think as she hasn't said anything about it yet haha.

It's not common knowledge, but I'm an overnight shift worker (good fun.. 😭😂) I mean, it's really not that bad but it completely ruins your sleeping pattern and makes it hard to have a life cause you can't do things at night, unless you wanna miss out of sleep. But I've worked 3 times this week (only a part-timer) and oh my god, it's killed me. I didn't sleep at all Thursday night (although that's a given, given I slept until nearly 9pm oops!). It'll be Monday before I even get my sleeping pattern back on track unfortunately and then I'll have to work again.

It's the first week of December done and dusted and I still haven't done much of my Christmas shopping. And by 'much' I mean I've shopped for one person (my mum). I got her the Chanel Mademoiselle perfume. She already knows she's getting it cause my brother wasn't stealthy enough to look in her room for the ones she likes without getting caught (Sorry if you got in trouble Lachs!)
I still need to shop for my two younger brothers and my housemate. I'm going shopping tomorrow so hopefully that'll be the Christmas shopping done!

I went to New Zealand recently, my housemate shouted me for my birthday. That was a lot of fun and you can find pictures of that on my Instagram! I'll have a haul up soon of what I bought when I was over there. It was absolutely beautiful, the scenery is breathtaking. Even if it is just a whole lot of nothing haha compared to living in Brisbane where everything is houses and buildings.
I did the Extreme Swing in Taupo, we roadtripped for the night. That was super fun! Slightly terrifying as I had to go first and wasn't sure what to expect, but I do recommend it as if feels like you're flying!

I've just totalled my weight loss and I've lost 12kg since starting this journey in early September.
I've been really into gym recently and I've spent waaaay too much money on cute gym clothes. But thankfully Kmart has had mass sales so I've gotten everything atleast half price, which is awesome! I've really been loving gym and due to working, I haven't been able to go much. But when not being able to go, I go for walks - generally around the lake at Forest Lake. It's about a 2.5km round trip so it's good to get the blood pumping when I can't do a workout. A walk is definitely better than nothing.

Did you know I have more than one Instagram?
I have my beauty one - Kikikaylzz, most likely where you came from. But I also have my personal Instagram - kaylagalt - and one for everything Fitness related. - fitnessdigs - for following my health and fitness journey as well as healthy meals and more! Feel free to follow them, I'd love you too!

I think I'm going to cut it there for my first Sunday Stories! These posts will go live every Sunday or 2nd Sunday afternoon at 4pm Brisbane time.

Don't forget to follow my Twitter
And BlogLovin Kayla's Life - kikikaylzz (download the app then be notified of my posts)
