Sunday Stories 3 / December 18, 2016 / kikikaylzz

Welcome back to another Sunday Stories instalment!

This week I worked twice, still overnights, my favourite manager got back from holidays so it was nice to have the top bants back in action! No early finishes this week unfortunately but I guess that's alright cause I really needed the money! 

I got my 2nd laser hair removal on my underarms, which is so far, even after only one treatment - working really damn well! I shaved my pits twice in the last month and really only needed to do them once. Yay for pale skin and dark hair.... not haha. But it works well for laser. I also got my first LHR treatment for a Brazilian, definitely less painful than waxing! 100% recommend if you're thinking of doing it. I got to Laser Clinics Australia and they currently have a tonne of sales on. You can prepay for treatments at the sale price too - currently $39 for Brazilian and underarms!

I bought a friend a Christmas present, don't know if she'll actually like it but yolo haha. I hope she does! I don't want to disclose it on here just in case she sees this, though I doubt she would. 

I went to Kmart, of course, because what trip to the shops would be complete without a visit to Kmart?! I got myself a chocolate stocking, because my mum didn't buy me one :'( haha but I've kinda already eaten most of it.. oops! And some socks because I can never find my socks! I actually bought fluroescent socks, cause why not? I also hit up Target and got shot glasses! #adulting101 

I dislike this new Pokemon Go update, it's made it really hard to catch Pokemon, even the low CP Pokémon and for someone that never has enough balls, it's annoying having to waste raspberries and lots of balls on catching shitty Pokémon that I'm only catching for XP. 
Also, the speed limit on Pokestops now? Come on! I don't have a license and don't go out often so getting Pokestops doesn't happen a lot and now it's just so much harder- I was really getting back into the game too, not so much now.

I went out Saturday night! I legimitately never go out clubbing, it's just not something I enjoy but there was a BGA party at Hot Gossip - free entry and $5 drinks all night? Definitely not complaining! Had an awesome time except I fell and twisted my ankle so that's fun, currently dying.

PSA: the Chicken Hawaiian at Hogs Breath is really damn good and y'all should all try it.  I used to be quite the Hogs Breath frequented up until they changed the menu and how the good was (shitter quality and smaller portions) but I really enjoyed this!

That was my very boring but slightly enjoyable week! I'll be back next week with more adventures.
