Liebester Blog Award

I've been nominated for a Liebester Blog Award by Ash from The Beauty Collection. Thanks girlfraaand! 
I'm not 100% sure what this actually is, but I'm rolling with it.

Here are the rules:
  • Thank the person who nominated you by linking to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the nominator gave to you.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
  • Create 11 questions for your nominees.
  • Let your nominees know by getting in touch with them.

The questions Ash gave me are:

  1. Number one holy grail beauty item?
    My HG beauty item would have to be my Rimmel Scandaleyes Lycra Flex Mascara. It makes my lashes look amazing and wispy.
  2. Facebook, Instagram or Twitter?
    I love Facebook for personal use, getting in touch with friends etc. But as a Beauty Blogger/Vlogger, I prefer to use Instagram in relation to that. I never got into Twitter.
  3. What’s your top travel destination?
    I would LOVE to go to America (for shopping purposes) However, Britain because I'm a massive Harry Potter fan, I love the scenery & it's so different to Australia.
  4. If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
    I would be a giraffe. I absolutely love giraffes, they're my favourite animal ever. But maybe an elephant so I could step on people.
  5. If money wasn't an object, what would be the first beauty thing you splurged on?
    I WOULD BUY HIGH END MAKEUP! I don't own any high end makeup, because I can't fathom spending $80 on a MAC eyeshadow Quad.. that's absolutely RIDICULOUS.
  6. Top 3 favourite beauty blogs?
    Tarlies Beauty & Fashion Corner
    Liv Beauty xo
    That Little Beauty Blogg
  7. What hobbies do you have?
    I love to sleep (I'm such a fun person), I like to shop (How bad..), I like to spend other peoples money (hehe), Smell candles, Bake cakes & cupcakes, Annoy the hell out of my brothers, Work (surprisingly), Play Sims (YAY SIMS 4 SOON!), Play around with makeup & create looks, I LOVE to blog & vlog on YouTube.
  8. What is your ‘signature’ beauty look?
    Matte skin, bold lips, light eyes.
  9. Who’s your celebrity crush?
    JOHNNY DEPP - he's my forever looooooove.
  10. What’s your favourite clothing store?
    TEMT. I own alot of clothing from TEMT. Always amazing quality & friendly staff.
  11. One interesting fact about you?
    I'm the most boring person in the world, honestly haha.
    I love to sit around in my PJs all day & watch episode after episode of the Kardashians (they're all perf OKAY!?). 

I nominate
Liv from Liv Beauty xo
Tarlie from Tarlies Beauty & Fashion Corner
Sam from That Little Beauty Blogg
Amber from Amber-Lorraine
Daisy from Daisy Person
Angie from The Maquillage
Madeline from The Daily Mark
Nicole from Rosy Sparkle
Jarnah from Jarnah McMillan
Helene from A Moon Of Saturn
Mykaelah from Field of Beauty

Your Questions Are:

  1. When did you first start wearing makeup?
  2. How old were you when you had your first boyfriend?
  3. Favourite drugstore product?
  4. Skincare routine?
  5. Are you outgoing or shy?
  6. Do you like being a beauty blogger?
  7. Do you have a YouTube channel? (link it)
  8. Favourite chocolate?
  9. Thoughts on Australian makeup prices?
  10. Overhyped/Overrated product?
  11. Favourite season?
Have fun guys! 

When I'm not blogging you can find me here - let's stay in touch!

Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin to stay up to date with my posts :)

Happy Blogging!
