Why I Haven't Been Blogging | Life Update | kikikaylzz | beautybykaylag

Hey guys,
As you've probably noticed, I haven't been blogging that much lately.
I would like to apologize & explain why.

I've had sooooo much stuff going on in my life recently.

Firstly, I finished school last year, and for 6 months I sat around and did nothing because my job wasn't giving me any hours, nowhere else would hire me and I wasn't studying. So I decided to study, just for something to do. Worst decision ever.

So in the middle of June, I started studying. I'm studying a Diploma of Business, and it's taking up alot of my time. I started the course 2 weeks late, so I've got two weeks less than everyone else to complete all the assignments (There are 5 for this Unit). Each Unit goes for 10 weeks - I finish in July next year, it's only a short, 40wk course.
I was really excited at first, no clue why because I hate studying. But I'm going to pull through and try my best to finish the course. I started an assignment tonight (Wednesday 13th) that's due on Friday... :/ because I haven't had time to do it yet. I do also have another assignment that was meant to be due Friday but I was lucky enough to be given an extension for that assignment. THANKGOD! - IT'S SO HARD!
My 2nd unit also started on the 4th of August, so I'm already behind on the work AGAIN! I'm studying online though, so I don't have to go out anywhere - which makes me happy.

Secondly, I have been working a crap load recently. Going from max 3hrs/week, to normal part time hours was such a crazy thing for me. I did 19.5 hours last week, and this week so far is 15.5 - GREAT PAY but such a stuff around when I have other things I need to do. Inconvenient call-ins are not my favourite thing, especially bc I have to get the bus to work & 1 bus takes 20mins, the other takes 45 + 15mins walk from the bus stop to get to work. I either end up an hour early, or get to work right as I'm about to start, which sucks because then I'm hot and sweaty and smell ERGH! Anyhow, I've been working alot recently, so I haven't had time to blog.

Thirdly, I've had problems with my dog.
He doesn't like to stay in the yard, so he jumps the fence and wanders the streets. The neighbours were complaining so we got an electric fence, and he still continued to jump the fence. He also jumped from the balcony (14ft) a few times so today, regretfully we had to take him back to the pound - we only had him for 4 months - it was a very sad day. My brother and I broke down and just cried, and cried and cried - it was heartbreaking. He was taken to the same pound twice before we picked him up due to neglection from his other families. We took him and loved him, appreciated him and made him healthy. But he was bored due to my brothers being at school and mum & I being at work. When he left, he never went far, but he never came when called either, especially after we got the electric fence.
He was affectionate, loving, kind, cute, and great in every other aspect, he just didn't want to stay in the yard.
My street is on the same st as Private school playing fields/rowing sheds are, so all the rich people hoon up and down the street, so for his safety & health, we took him back to the pound - atleast there he will be cared for better than we ever could, he will be safe from harm, be around other dogs so he won't be as bored and will have more freedom and yard to run around in.

It was honestly easier to breakup with my long term boyfriend of 3 years, than it was to say goodbye to my dog. 
I miss you so much already.
Forever in my heart Jay!

The bottom middle photo means the most to me. He's such a sweet dog. If he fell asleep near me, he HAD to be touching me, it was the cutest thing ever. And the top middle photo was when we first got him. He looks so happy - he was so happy.

You may no longer be with us, but there will ALWAYS be the memories we made, and the fun times we had together. Whether it be chasing turkeys or taking selfies. I love you Baby JayJay. <3

That's everything that's been going on in my life recently, and why I haven't blogged, and haven't posted much on Instagram. I will get back into that as soon as I'm caught up with my assignments. Thankyou to everyone who has stuck by me (A fair few people have unfollowed on various platforms)
I hope you all understand.
