10 Questions | Beauty Tag | kikikaylzz | beautybykaylag

As per the title, I'll be doing the 10 Q's Beauty Tag
Lets get into it!

Would you rather be able to apply eyeliner perfectly or be able to contour like Kim Kardashian?

Definitely be able to contour like Kim K. She's a goddess.

Would you rather wear foundation that's 2 shades lighter or 2 shades darker?
2 shades lighter, I'd rather be albino than an oompa loompa!

Would you rather wear no lipstick ever again or no eyeliner ever again?
No lipstick ever again, I think eyeliner frames your eyes. I can't wear eye makeup & not wear eyeliner because it makes me look sick. haha.

Would you rather give up your foundation or your mascara?
Foundation, same as the last answer, can't wear eye makeup and not have it all done properly. Atleast without foundation, I won't be a cake face/orange & I'll have 'natural beauty'

Would you rather apply your makeup yourself with no mirror whilst on a bumpy car journey or ask a 5 year old child to do it?
Both would be pretty terrible, although, if I'm in the car with a 5 year old, I probably know them so I would have helped them play with makeup, so it shouldn't be too bad... but if we're both in the car, than it would be bumpy & I wouldn't be able to see either way, so I'd rather do it myself.

Would you rather wear the exact same makeup everyday for the rest of your life or drastically change your makeup daily for the rest of your life (even if it doesn't suit you!)?
Wear the exact same everyday!
A basic eye. Eyeshadow, black eyeliner on my waterline, black mascara.
Atleast I'll know what I'm doing & won't end up looking like a clown.

Would you rather have dodgy brows or a patchy fake tan?
OMG! What kind of question is this? -_-
I'd definitely rather have dodgy brows, I can fix them but a fake tan just looks terrible, let alone a patchy one!

Would you rather have perfectly white teeth or have your perfect hairstyle?
Teeth are a big deal for me, I can't stand when people have gaps in their front teeth, or their teeth are disgusting/yellow, or when they're missing teeth.. it's just so disgusting! I can deal with a bad hair day!

Would you rather wear the same colour nail varnish for the rest of your life or be able to change the colours of your varnish whenever you like, but it will always be a little bit smudged?
Same colour everyday, it would be black because black goes with everything!
Would you rather have lots of scented body and perfume products that smell amazing to you but to everyone else you smell like a pink tree car air freshener or have products that smell average to you but smell amazing to everyone else?
I'd like to smell amazing for myself. You don't put on makeup to please other people, why smell good to please other people? I don't think pine smells terrible.. so I can deal girl!

Thanks for reading my TAG! If there's any others you'd like me to do, let me know.
Kayla, xo
