EOS Lip Balm Collection/Review

In this post, I'll be showing you my collection of EOS lip balms and also reviewing them!

EOS stands for Evolution of Smooth.
They also do hand creams & shaving creams.

EOS has only JUST been introduced to Australia but is only available in Costco stores, of which I am not a member and the nearest one to me is like 45 minutes away. The Costco pack has 4 EOS in it, Strawberry Sorbet, Honeysuckle Honeydew, Sweet Mint & Summer Fruits. This pack retails for $13.99 and is currently available in VIC, NSW & ACT Costco stores.

I have 9 EOS lip balms in total. (However, when I receive my swap-boxes from the US, I'll have 8 more!)

I currently have:
2x Sweet Mint
2x Honeysuckle Honeydew
2x Strawberry Sorbet
1x Pomegranate Raspberry
1x Fresh Watermelon
1x Summer Fruits

I have 2 unopened ones, I don't know if I want to open them or not.

I got my very first one 6 months ago, when my mum went to Hawaii. I had heard everyone on YouTube raving about them, so I asked her to bring me back an EOS I didn't specify a flavour, but she brought back Strawberry Sorbet. Which, out of all I have, is my favourite.

 This is generally how EOS lip balms come, although you can get them without the carding. All mine have had carding.

I instantly fell in love with this lip balm!!


Very soon after (like 2 days or so), I asked my (now) ex-boyfriend to get me some for our 2.5 yr anniversary in October last year (and although we never made it there.. we broke up about 4 days earlier) he still let me have my present. We're friends now, and things are pretty good. ANYHOWWWWW.. back to what this post is about!! haha.

He got me the Basket of Fruit set, which contains: Strawberry Sorbet, Fresh Watermelon, Pomegranate Raspberry & Summer Fruits.

His sister was living in the UK, and currently still is, so she sent it over.

I found that in this set, Fresh Watermelon & Pomegranate Raspberry didn't really have a scent or  a taste, it just smelt like a normal plain lipbalm, which was disappointing because I wanted this set because of the Watermelon EOS. It has a light scent, but nothing like the others. Maybe I got a bad batch? I don't know.
I LOVE Summer Fruits, it quickly became a favourite of mine, it's true to it's name and tastes really good, I tend to lick my lips alot more than I would with any other lipbalm brand. I'm hoping that the more I use the Pomegranate Raspberry, the more the scent will come through.

In order of Favourites in this set:
1 - Strawberry Sorbet
2 - Summer Fruits
3 - Fresh Watermelon
4 - Pomegranate Raspberry


After a long search, I FINALLY found a place that ships EOS lip balms to Australia that doesn't cost like 1 million dollars! On eBay they retail for about $8 each and some have shipping on top that!

The website is Vitacost.com     However, you have to order minimum 2 of each flavour. You can't just order 1. Which I found annoying!! They retail for 83.79 each, but because you have to order 2, it's $7.58. Shipping to Australia is $10. So so far my order is $17.58, crazy right?! for 2 lip balms! I however, ordered 4 lipbalms.

2 Sweet Mint
2 Honeysuckle Honeydew

Which brought my total up to $25.16! If I was in the US, I could have bought 6 EOS for that price! Sadly I'm not, but lucky for me, I signed up a friend (I signed up myself on another account so I could get the code) And that gave me $10 off my first order, so my total came down to $15.16 for 0.07kg of items! Which I still think is pretty pricey, but I wanted to try them out.. and I wasn't willing to pay $8 + shipping for 1 on eBay.

It took about 9 days to arrive (we were moving house a few days after I had placed my order and it said anywhere from 4-30 days to arrive, so I had to contact them to hold it for a few days. Previous owner isn't very nice so she probably would have chucked out my order!)

I LOVVVVEEEEEEE Sweet Mint, it's so nice! I'm not used to lip balms that tingle though, so at first I was indecisive if I liked it or not because I wasn't sure if it felt nice or if it hurt, but now I love it! You don't even need to take it out of the packaging to be able to smell it, it's so strong & now I love the tingles.

Honeysuckle Honeydew I wasn't impressed with - the same problem with the other 2, no scent and no taste. As I started getting through it, scent & taste came through - so that's okay. I don't mind it, it's not my favourite. But it's not terrible either.

Rates (and in order of favorites)
Strawberry Sorbet 10/10
Sweet Mint 10/10
Summer Fruits 8/10
Fresh Watermelon 7/10
Honeysuckle Honeydew 6/10
Pomegranate Raspberry 4/10


The other EOS I will hopefully receive soon are:
3x summer fruits
2x medicated tangerine
1x vanilla bean stick
1x sweet mint
1x honeysuckle honeydew

So I'm pretty excited for that!

Hope you guys enjoyed this review/collection.
I do HIGHLY recommend these lip balms, they work absolute wonders! I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. They're my Go-To lip balm!

Go pick some up! :P
